Irum Rauf
Lecturer, The Open University
I am Lecturer in Computing at The Open University, U.K. I am a member of the Software Engineering And Design(SEAD) Lab.
I am also involved as a Research Scientist at Lero, the Irish Software Research Center, with University College Cork. Currently, the prime focus of my research activities is Responsible Software Engineering. My research centers on the intersection of technology and society, with my particular interest in creating technology that can empower people and communities, investigating the unintended societal consequences of technology and exploring approaches to mitigate the negative effects of technology on its users and society.
I graduated from Abo Akademi University, Finland with a PhD in Software Engineering. Fueled by a compelling intellectual curiosity, I have a passion for research and exploring innovative ideas through experimentation. My research interests involve delving not only into the technical aspects of computing but also exploring the human side of the field. I have worked in multi-disciplinary, multi-generational and multi-national teams. I believe that software and other technologies do not exist in isolation. The true value of the end product stems from how humans utilize them and the manner in which they are developed, incorporating knowledge from various disciplines.